Finnleo VS Clearlight

Let me guess, the only infrared sauna dealer near you is a hot tub store, and they only carry Finnleo saunas right? Another guess… you’d like to get an infrared sauna for your home, but don’t like the idea of spending thousands of dollars without checking something out first too right? And most likely, the …


2024 Jacuzzi Clearlight Sauna Review

Clearlight saunas have long been found to be one of the top recommended infrared sauna brands on the planet. But just because everyone and their brother is saying they’re great, we don’t just give them a pass and add them to the list. Matt has tested every single sauna promoted here personally, and you can …


Heavenly Heat Saunas Review: Is It That Bad?

Introduction When it comes to infrared saunas, quality and safety are paramount. As the creator of the Certified Sauna List, I have developed a stringent review process to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and overall quality of saunas. Today, we’ll be taking a deep dive into the Heavenly Heat Saunas, a brand that claims to offer …


Can I Install A Television In My Sauna?

There are few other things more relaxing than unwinding in a sauna while watching a rerun of your favorite movies. While this is relaxing for some people, even if their sauna sessions are just five minutes long, there are some points to consider. Not all technology can withstand high temperatures. Can your television handle the …


Relax Sauna

The Relax Sauna is likely the portable sauna you’ve been looking for.  Among the portable saunas, there are some unique features and benefits you get using the Relax Sauna, that are different than most other portable infrared saunas. For starters, the Relax Sauna tent is very unique, which I’ll talk about in detail below. But …


Synergy Sauna

The Synergy Sauna portable infrared sauna us a great choice for those looking for the best bang for your buck. I know not everyone can afford a $4,000 wooden sauna, and many folks after asking what’s the best portable sauna option in the meantime? You can see some cliff notes comparing the top 3 portable …


Best Outdoor Sauna

  If you’re looking for an outdoor model infrared sauna for your home, finding one can be quite a challenge because there are plenty of sellers passing off indoor sauna models as outdoor ones. And, once these are installed, a couple of years down the line, several users have found that the sauna warps, splits …


Radiant Health VS Health Mate

Searching and searching for real world reviews, in a sea of convoluted madness written by people who haven’t been in the very sauna brands you want to buy. Sound about right? I know what it’s like to look for good information on infrared saunas online. What a mess. One things stands out, we lose, sauna …


Clearlight VS Therasauna

Therasauna VS Clearlight saunas, who makes the better infrared sauna? Should you buy a ceramic sauna, or a carbon sauna? Most of these questions are answered in the Healthmate article, and on the blog and youtube channel at depth. Cliff notes you need to know when comparing both saunas: Therasauna Classic models are not the …


Clearlight Vs Healthmate

You’ve seen the marketing: ceramic saunas are better than carbon saunas. Oh wait, you call another company and whamo… “carbon saunas are better tha ceramic saunas”! What the heck you think to yourself, who do I believe here? If the sauna sales people had it up to them, you’d just hand over your Visa or …
