Radiant Health VS Health Mate

Searching and searching for real world reviews, in a sea of convoluted madness written by people who haven’t been in the very sauna brands you want to buy. Sound about right? I know what it’s like to look for good information on infrared saunas online. What a mess. One things stands out, we lose, sauna …


Infrared Sauna Sessions – Salt Lake City, Utah

Book your infrared sauna sessions in Salt Lake City with confidence now: guaranteed low EMF, low VOC sauna equipment, right in your own backyard. There may be several spas or float tank options in Salt Lake City that offer infrared sauna sessions, but very often business owners aren’t even aware of high VOC equipment in …


1 Person Infrared

A 1 person infrared sauna is the perfect size sauna to put in your home without breaking the bank. Maybe you are looking for a small sauna that will fit easily in your apartment, or perhaps you haven’t moved to your forever home yet, and don’t want to move a giant sauna when you do. …


SaunaSpace VS Sunlighten VS Joovv VS Clearlight

Hot diggity, so many questions about NIR vs FIR, what is a true PBMT red light therapy device and how that differs from a sauna… the list goes on for ages. Strap in folks, this is going to cover some of the most commons misconceptions in the sauna industry. Specifically, a lot of the information …


Finnleo VS Clearlight

Let me guess, the only infrared sauna dealer near you is a hot tub store, and they only carry Finnleo saunas right? Another guess… you’d like to get an infrared sauna for your home, but don’t like the idea of spending thousands of dollars without checking something out first too right? And most likely, the …


Clearlight VS Therasauna

Therasauna VS Clearlight saunas, who makes the better infrared sauna? Should you buy a ceramic sauna, or a carbon sauna? Most of these questions are answered in the Healthmate article, and on the blog and youtube channel at depth. Cliff notes you need to know when comparing both saunas: Therasauna Classic models are not the …


Clearlight Vs Healthmate

You’ve seen the marketing: ceramic saunas are better than carbon saunas. Oh wait, you call another company and whamo… “carbon saunas are better tha ceramic saunas”! What the heck you think to yourself, who do I believe here? If the sauna sales people had it up to them, you’d just hand over your Visa or …



Why are low emf saunas the biggest hoax in the entire sauna industry? It’s so common to waste months and months searching for the right sauna to buy, only to end up buying nothing after listening to shyster after shyster with their spiel.  Everyone you talk to says their sauna is the lowest, yet you …


JNH VS Sunlighten

Comparing JNH Lifestyles and Sunlighten saunas, and can’t find any decent unbiased info on either? Hah, welcome to the party! JNH saunas are mostly sold on Amazon here, and usually have 5 stars like you see here. The trouble with the Amazon reviews on saunas, are that customers who buy one, have only ever used …


2023 Sunlighten Sauna Review

Around here we don’t usually recommend Sunlighten Saunas for a few reasons. Occasionally we’ll recommend a model or two for super specific needs a customer can’t get elsewhere, but in short Sunlighten Saunas do not meet the Certified Sauna List criteria because: Do not mitigate electric fields Magnetic Fields (EMF) is too high, especially in …
