Clearlight VS Radiant Health: One Sauna Is Definitely Better

This is the hardest article I’ve ever had to write. I like both of these sauna companies, specifically the Clearlight Premier and Radiant Health Elite 2.  I think they’re both awesome saunas, they both test super low in EMF, which you can verify yourself from my videos on the Certified Sauna List. Both saunas are …


Clearlight VS Sunlighten Saunas (one tests better)

So you’re interested in buying a home sauna for your house, and can’t decide between a Clearlight and a Sunlighten right?  You’ve probably either spoken to a rep from each company, or your just scouring sauna reviews online to see what’s best. Maybe you’ve even gotten tangled up in a forum or sauna detox group, …


3 Person Infrared Saunas

If you are looking to buy a three-person infrared sauna for home use, there are more than a couple of options. As you can imagine, this will take up some serious space in your home. But you need to think about more than just size. Saunas need ventilation and different models have different electrical requirements. …


1 Person Infrared

A 1 person infrared sauna is the perfect size sauna to put in your home without breaking the bank. Maybe you are looking for a small sauna that will fit easily in your apartment, or perhaps you haven’t moved to your forever home yet, and don’t want to move a giant sauna when you do. …


Do Gyms Have Saunas?

If you are someone who visits the gym regularly for an intense workout, it helps to treat yourself to a sauna session afterward. It will help you ease tight muscles and lower your cortisol levels. The best part is that you can sweat out a lot of toxins and dirt from your body while ensuring …


Synergy Sauna

The Synergy Sauna portable infrared sauna us a great choice for those looking for the best bang for your buck. I know not everyone can afford a $4,000 wooden sauna, and many folks after asking what’s the best portable sauna option in the meantime? You can see some cliff notes comparing the top 3 portable …


Near Infrared Saunas

The culture of saunas, steam rooms or hot baths, whatever your poison, has stood the test of time. You could even say it’s one of those things that has somehow stayed around and yet is perceived to have come back in style in a sort of a hip, retro manner. Today, saunas are a popular …


Should I Install a Traditional Sauna or an Infrared Sauna?

Sauna bathing has been a wellness trend for thousands of years. It is a type of thermotherapy for the body that promotes hygiene, social and spiritual purposes depending on the culture. The saunas that we use today are based on Finnish-style saunas with a blend of Turkish Hammams and Russian Banyas. You can tell the …


2023 Sunlighten Sauna Review

Around here we don’t usually recommend Sunlighten Saunas for a few reasons. Occasionally we’ll recommend a model or two for super specific needs a customer can’t get elsewhere, but in short Sunlighten Saunas do not meet the Certified Sauna List criteria because: Do not mitigate electric fields Magnetic Fields (EMF) is too high, especially in …


2024 Jacuzzi Clearlight Sauna Review

Clearlight saunas have long been found to be one of the top recommended infrared sauna brands on the planet. But just because everyone and their brother is saying they’re great, we don’t just give them a pass and add them to the list. Matt has tested every single sauna promoted here personally, and you can …
