2024 Jacuzzi Clearlight Sauna Review

DIY Sauna Course

Clearlight saunas have long been found to be one of the top recommended infrared sauna brands on the planet. But just because everyone and their brother is saying they’re great, we don’t just give them a pass and add them to the list.

Matt has tested every single sauna promoted here personally, and you can find his youtube videos with live video emf testing, using the saunas, assembling them, etc…

That said, Clearlight has done a great job, and still makes the cut when considering all other brands available in 2020. There are one or two that are a better value, but Clearlight is right up there with the best of them. I’d recommend you take a look at Matt’s latest youtube videos, the Certified Sauna List, and the recommendations on the blog for choosing the right sauna for your needs.

Jacuzzi has merged with Clearlight, so don’t be confused if you hear people calling the Sanctuary and Premier saunas by the Jacuzzi name… they are the same, and still Clearlight Saunas.

Matt typically recommends the Clearlight Premier models over the Sanctuary, since the EMF levels are lower, and it’s a better value for most folks. There are however exceptions to the rule in some cases, such as if you’re looking for an outdoor sauna. There are very few options that come with insulated panels, and true shingled roof that will stand up to the elements, and so on. Also if you need an ADA approved sauna for wheelchair use, there are special recommendations for that as well.

See the models here: www.clearlightsaunas.com

Clearlight Sanctuary VS Premier: Is The Sanctuary Worth It?

Most influencers and sales people will tell you to buy a Clearlight Sanctuary, so you can get full spectrum in your sauna. Mostly this preys on the fact that there are numerous benefits to near infrared therapy, but what no one is telling you is that near infrared doesn’t heat you up, nor does it contribute to your sweat directly.

For folks on a budget, there’s no need to spend the extra $2,000 dollars on a full spectrum sauna, when a Premier model can give you all the far infrared benefits you need.

Below you can also see a glimpse of testing a full spectrum heater with a spectrometer. You’ll see that 1000 nanometers and down falls off a cliff. This also brings up the discussion about not getting true photobiomodulation (or red light therapy benefits) when the output range isn’t in line with a lot of the studies.

Doesn’t mean they don’t get hot and serve a purpose, simply suggesting not getting sucked into spending more money than you need, when the equipment isn’t always as described by sales people.

Clearlight Sanctuary Full Spectrum Heater Tested With A Spectrometer Showing Very Little Output From 1k Nanometers and Down (lack of red light therapy)

Why Do Clearlight Sales People Say Carbon & Ceramic Is Better?

When comparing heater types, there are some hybrid buzz words that have hit the market that are causing some confusion. One is a blended heater, almost sounding like it’s two heaters in one, which is not the case.

During the lamination process, there are some ceramic particles sprinkled in with the layered carbon heater materials, thus creating a hybrid heater. However, if I were to blindfold you, and make you try regular carbon heaters, and combo “carbon and ceramic” heaters, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

Is Clearlight Sauna Pricing And Warranty Comparable To Alternatives?

Is the cost of Clearlight saunas and warranty competitive to a similar brand like Radiant Health Saunas or something you’d find on the Certified Sauna List? Yes they are, in fact very competitive.

One benefit to them is they offer financing, which not every sauna company does, and generally stand behind their warranty claims.

EMF & VOC Levels

Even though I completely disagree with the third party testing from a lot of sauna companies, Clearlight included, you can clearly see they do in fact make low emf saunas in my testing video below.

Most sauna companies just say they have low emf certifications, but when you check them in the field the saunas are sky high.

What’s worse are VOC levels in some saunas that use adhesives and MDF wood during construction. Thankfully Clearlight isn’t one of the companies that does this, and they in fact do make safe saunas.

Clearlight Premier VS Sanctuary?

But Matt, I don’t see the Clearlight Sanctuary on the Certified Sauna List, only the Clearlight Premier? Yes, the Premier tests better, and it isn’t full spectrum, which I think focuses the customer on what makes most of their heat therapy session anyway. Less glass for heat loss on the front, no adjusting the glass doors on the Sanctuary when assembling it, etc… easily make the premier an easier to use choice as well.

Conclusion: Buy It Or Not?

Keep in mind this sauna company is still highly recommended, it’s just sometimes when you talk to sauna salespeople they bend the specs of these to where it seems more beneficial, but in reality it’s the same damn thing you’re comparing in another brand.

For my personal use, I tend to stick with a far infrared sauna model like a Clearlight Premier IS-2, or a Radiant Health E2H, and use my red light therapy body panel separately for optimum results like you see in the Facebook Group.

If you’re looking to get a Clearlight sauna or decide it’s the right brand for you, I always recommend this rep here, she will treat you right with no nonsense. Even more so if you tell her Matt Justice sent you, she already knows you read my reviews and knows what you’re looking for.


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