Clearlight VS Radiant Health: One Sauna Is Definitely Better

This is the hardest article I’ve ever had to write. I like both of these sauna companies, specifically the Clearlight Premier and Radiant Health Elite 2.  I think they’re both awesome saunas, they both test super low in EMF, which you can verify yourself from my videos on the Certified Sauna List. Both saunas are …


Are Saunas Effective in Aiding Weight Loss?

Sauna use is associated with many health benefits. Included among these benefits is weight loss. There has been a rising trend in the use of saunas, particularly for weight loss. This article will cover everything you need to know about weight loss in a sauna and whether or not you can burn calories in one. …


Relax Sauna

The Relax Sauna is likely the portable sauna you’ve been looking for.  Among the portable saunas, there are some unique features and benefits you get using the Relax Sauna, that are different than most other portable infrared saunas. For starters, the Relax Sauna tent is very unique, which I’ll talk about in detail below. But …


A Brief Guide to Building a DIY Near-Infrared (Heat Lamp) Sauna Tent

It is a known fact that a sauna has some incredible benefits for health. The heat from a sauna, whether a traditional sauna or an infrared sauna, can change 0ne’s life when used correctly and in appropriate moderation. The sauna offers stress relief, anxiety alleviation and is also known to improve blood circulation. People have …


Infrared Sauna for Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that is caused by the bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi, which is usually transmitted via the bites of deer ticks or black-legged ticks. According to the CDC, although the incidence of Lyme disease has reduced, still around 30,000 people are affected by the disease every year. People suffering from Lyme disease …


Should I Install a Traditional Sauna or an Infrared Sauna?

Sauna bathing has been a wellness trend for thousands of years. It is a type of thermotherapy for the body that promotes hygiene, social and spiritual purposes depending on the culture. The saunas that we use today are based on Finnish-style saunas with a blend of Turkish Hammams and Russian Banyas. You can tell the …


What are Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs)?

Also called “stress proteins”, HSPs or heat shock proteins are highly conserved proteins, which exist in the cells of all living beings, right from bacteria to humans. As a cell goes through a stressful condition such as extreme cold, heat, UV light exposure, oxygen deprivation or healing wounds, HSPs are produced. Even under normal conditions, …
